
Kirby Star Warrior of Dreamland Episode 10

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Star Warrior of Dreamland

Episode 10 – Prof. Curio's Ancient Discovery!
Enter the Malevolent Ruler, King Kroco!


Somewhere in the swamps of Dreamland, there’s a cave in the mountain with vines. Inside the cave, there’s a LARGE lair of the anthropomorphic crocodilians, two hundred of them. They’re stepping aside from the path and salutes to the fat alligator named General Krump, who’s walked into the throne that belongs to the malevolent ruler of the crocodiles, King Kroco.

“King Kroco! The decorations are buried and they’re ready to dig up by the Cappies!” General Krump said as he salutes to King Kroco who stands up and chuckles. “Huhuhehahahahaaa… That’s brilliant, General Krump. Now, the land called Dreamland… belongs to me, King Kroco. Muahahahaaa!!” King Kroco laughed manically as his lair echoes around his army of reptilians.


On Dream Village’s Dig Site, Kirby, Celine, Tiff and Sirica helps Prof. Curio to dig up the artifacts while Tuff and Keeby are fooling around.

“Man, sometimes to digging up here on this dig site is pretty tiresome.” Kirby said as he digging up from the wall. “Yeah, but Prof Curio asked us to find some of the secrets about ancestors of Dreamland, so that’s why we came here to help him to dig some of the artifacts.” Sirica explains as she dug with her transformable weapon as “Shovel Mode”.

“In other words, we may be found the truth of Dreamland, or maybe Popstar as well.” Kirby said as he digging up with his shovel, as Tiff sighed tiredly after digging.

“Oh great, I’m so dirty!” Tiff said with un-amused tone, as Celine giggled playfully but then turns into Professor Curio. “Say, Curio-san, will we really understand Dreamland’s history here?” She asked as Prof Curio pick up one of the primitive stone.

“Make no mistake, Celine, primitive Cappy tribes of the ancient Dreamland civilisation left traces here. This stone, for example, is a tool of a primitive Cappy tribe.” Prof Curio said as Celine put her hands on her cheek of excitement. “Wow! That’s awesome!” Celine said as she turns to Tiff of excitement. “Hey, Tiff! Do you mind if I borrow your camera, I shall take some photos of this stone?” She asked to Tiff.

“Sure, Celine! Here!” Tiff replied and she gives her camera to Celine. “Oh boy! I can’t wait to take a photo to remember this by!” Celine said of excitement as Sirica and Kirby looked at her who’s about to take a photo at Curio and the stone.

“Okay? Stay right there. Yes, now SMILEEAAAHHH…!!!” Celine said as before she's taking a photo with Tiff’s camera, she falls into a pit. “Celine, are you okay?” Kirby asked to Celine as he’s running into the pit and helped her to get up from it.

“She fell for it~! She fell for it~!” Tuff and Keeby sing to tease Celine who looked angry in a comical way. “WHY, YOU…! You constructed this fall pit in this Dig Site?! STOP GOOFING AROUND, BOYS!!!” Celine yelled angrily as she chased Tuff and Keeby.

“You and my sister have been collecting junk since this morning! I’m already tired!” Tuff said to Celine. “That’s right! All digging up some stuff bores me too! I want to have some fun!” Keeby said.

“Tuff, they’re not junk! These are the artifacts!” Tiff said to Tuff with her angry tone. “She’s right, Tuff. It may seem like junk to you, but it’s very important to examine the history of Dreamland.” Prof Curio explains.

“So that’s why we came to help Curio to find some interesting artifacts about the ancient times of Dreamland and their ancestors came from and how they lived.” Kirby said to Keeby as both Tuff and Keeby stopped. “But I’m not interested in history!” Tuff said. “Me neither! The ancestors aren’t even around!” Keeby said as he crosses his arms.

“One day if you have interest in history, so pick your shovel and starts to digging and- GIAAAAH!” Celine said as she’s screaming and falls into another pit. “Yeah! She fell on it again~!” Tuff and Keeby sing to tease Celine again, whose stands up and she looks angry.

“I TOLD YOU TO STOP GOOFING AROUND, YOU JERKS!!!” Celine yells and slams her shovel in the dirt, which makes a clanking sound. Surprised, Tiff, Kirby, Sirica, Curio, Tuff and Keeby heard a clanking sound. Again, Celine bangs her shovel again and hears the same sound.

“Hey! What was that sound?” Celine asked as Kirby and others walk into Celine. “I don’t know, but…” Tuff said. “It sounds that kind of “CLANK”!” Keeby said as he imitates that sound.

“Curio, did you know what’s kind of this sound?” Kirby asked as Curio looked nervous. “What sound? Uh, I didn’t hear anything, and it’s all over your head.” Curio said.

“Well, whatever it is, we gotta dig!” Celine said as she’s starting to digging. “Come on, let’s help Celine!” Tiff said as Kirby, Sirica, Tuff and Keeby nodded and helping her to dig up until they reveal what it was: a stone casket!

“Wow! Look at this! Is this a stone coffin?” Kirby asked as Celine takes photos at the stone coffin. “Tiff, do you know what this means?” Celine asked happily to Tiff who looks excited. “Yes! The evidence of Dreamland civilization was left here! We finally found it!” Tiff said excitedly to the others as Celine keeps takes some photos.

“Come on! We gotta tell everyone right away!” Sirica said happily as she’s heading to the village. “Yeah! Come on, let’s go!” Kirby exclaimed happily to the others and they’re catching up with him and Sirica, except Curio who looks even nervous and sighed… “Oh, boy…” He said…


Not far away from Dream Village Dig Site, Escargoon drives the tank car as King Dedede sitting.

“Really? Did those villagers found the stone coffin from the Dig Site?” Dedede asked curiously. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s maybe the ancestors of the Cappy tribe or your tribe, sir.” Escargoon explained as King Dedede smiled after hearing about his tribe.

“Well, then I’m pretty sure if it was one of my ancestors, the people will saw me the ruler of Dreamland doubtlessly! Hahahahaha!!!” King Dedede said as Escargoon keeps driving to the dig site.


Little later, the citizens of Dream Village gather to see what's inside.

“This is a coffin of one of our ancestors?” Kawasaki asked as Kirby stood on the rock pillar. “That’s right, Kawasaki.” Kirby replied happily. “That means it’s something from the Cappy tribes of Dreamland.” Chief Borun said to the others.

“Professor Curio’s long-held hypothesis will be confirmed!” Tiff said happily as Sirica, Keeby, Tuff and Celine looked at Curio who looks nervous. “Well, King Dedede’s lineage as the king was a fake, just like I thought.” The toy storekeeper Gangu said as Dedede’s tank car driving towards into the stone coffin.

“Who said my lineage as the king was a fake?!” King Dedede shouts angrily as people of Dream Village are standing aside from the path of Dedede’s tank car and Escargoon stopped front at Kirby and the stone coffin.

“Is that true that you found that stone coffin from the dug site, Kirby?” King Dedede asked. “That’s right! This is an ancient stone from the ancestors of Cappy tribe.” Kirby said to Dedede who jumps off his tank car.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Kirby! The Dedede family has ruled Dreamland since ancient times!” Dedede shouts angry at Kirby. “But you’ve come to Dreamland since seven weeks ago before Keeby and I arrived at Popstar! There’s no telling this coffin is not from your family since ancient times or since when… Anyways this is from primitive Cappy tribe! Plus, it’ll make clear about who ruled Dreamland for a long time after the age of dinosaurs!” Kirby explained to Dedede.

“Look who’s talking. Not even the Ebbrian tribes in an ancient time ruled the Dreamland for a long time ago!” Dedede said as Sirica looked confused about the kind of Ebbrian.

“What’s an Ebbrian, Tiff?” Sirica asked. “You see, the Ebbrians are another species of Popstar, but they lived together with Cappies to keep company with them. And if you looked at me, then I’m Ebbrian too.” Tiff said as Keeby gasped of surprised.

“WHAT?!” Keeby questioned. “And I’m also an Ebbrian, right?” Sirica asked as she pointed at herself and Tiff nodded.

“Well… *chuckles* Now that’s kind of neat explanation about the Ebbrian species, Tiff.” Sirica chuckled as she scratches her head shyly.

“Well then, if you insist to gives the people the proof about your kind, why don’t you open the lid for yourself?” Kirby asked.

“Alrighty! I wanna to go for broken break open the stupid old box and clarify history by my own hands!” King Dedede said as he’s about to open the coffin as suddenly he hears some marching step from the tribe of the crocodiles.

“*Repeatedly* Hip! Hup! Hip! Hup! Follow me, we're movin' in! Hip! Hup! *Stops repeating* Krokodyles, HALT!!!” General Krump, who leads the troops, sings and shouts to his troops to stop marching.

“Who and what are they? Are they crocodiles?” Kirby asked to himself after he saw the crocodiles who stands up on two legs. “Krokodyles, left face!” General Krump shouts as the troops turn left and then Krump’s turns into the citizens.

“General Krump, here! Let me introduce, the king of our tribe, Krokodyles; King Kroco!” General Krump said as four muscular crocodiles lifting the throne chair with King Kroco on and put it on the ground and Kroco jumps off the chair.

“Greetings, citizens of Dreamland! I’m King Kroco, the leader of my tribe. I just came here to see you found this fascinating stone coffin.” King Kroco as Kirby jumped on the ground.

“Excuse me, but do you know what’s inside of this coffin, your supreme scaliness?” Kirby asked to King Kroco as he bows to him with royalty and the people of Dreamland gasped slightly about Kirby bow to King Kroco instead to Dedede.

“Sir, he shows his loyalty to you.” General Krump said to King Kroco. “That’s so? Then I will thank him for calling me the supreme ruler.” King Kroco said with delighted tone and walked to Kirby and looked at him. “Thanks for showing your loyalty to me, but tell me… What’s your name?” King Kroco asked.

“It’s Kirby! My name is Kirby.” Kirby said as he reached his hand to King Kroco and Kroco grab his hand and shakes it gently. “It’s an honor to meet a young man like you, Kirby. So, do you mind that I open that coffin?” Kroco asked as he pointed at the stone coffin.

“Sure, but I bet there’s a coffin from a primitive Cappy tribe.” Kirby said to Kroco. “Oh? Well, I don’t think it’s from primitive Cappy tribe, Dedede family or Ebbrian tribe.” King Kroco said as Dedede drop his jaw as he mentioned about his family.

“Wait! How do you know me?!” King Dedede asked to King Kroco. “If you don’t believe, then ask my strongest soldier of my tribe, Krusher.” King Kroco said as he points into his bodyguard, and a high-ranking member of the Krokodyle Krew; Krusher, a green-scaled, high ranking muscular reptile who walks into the stone coffin.

“Harrrgh! I am Krusher; King Kroco’s bodyguard and high-ranking member of the Krokodyle Krew! And let me demonstrate my strength to open this coffin!” Krusher said as he breaks the casket open with his brutal strength and throws it away!

The citizens, including Kirby and the others, are shocked to what they see! “What does this mean?!” Celine gasped. “This can’t be happening…!” Tiff gasped as she put her hand on her cheek.

“Oh no, it’s a skeleton of the Krokodyle!” Sirica shouted in shock as she and the others saw what inside the casket, there were the remains of the ancient ruler, but not a Cappy ruler; it was the remains of a Krokodyle-ish shaped skeleton with a crown and sword included!

“That’s not the skeleton of yours, sir!” Escargoon said as King Dedede looked horrified.

“Well, look at this. Isn’t it the spitting image of King Kroco?” General Krump said to the Cappies. “This means the ones that created the ancient Dreamland civilization…” Kawasaki said. “Weren’t the primitive Cappy tribe, after all.” Chief Borun added.

“That’s right! That’s my Krokodyle tribe! Huhuhehahahahaaa!” King Kroco laughed proudly as King Dedede who looks enraged runs into him. “This is gotta be a mistake! There’s no way that your tribe is the one who creates the ancient Dreamland civilization!” King Dedede said angrily. “But it is now, Dedede. And this is a perfect proof!” King Kroco pats Dedede’s back.

“This is a brilliant discovery, Professor Curio! You did a good job!” General Krump said as he put his elbows on Curio’s shoulders. “Uh, yeah… Thanks…” Curio said as General Krump looked at the coffin.

“Great, now that I know that, dig more and more, and search for whatever my ancestors left behind!” King Kroco said as Krusher appears front of the people. “Everybody, this is a decree from his venerable Majesty, Kroco!” Krusher said to the people as the Cappies are spread out and start to dig up all the other artifacts of the Krokodyle tribe.

“I knew that King Dedede, or how shall I say Ex-King Dedede’s lineage as the king was a fake!” Gengu said to Kawasaki. “Well, it looks like King Kroco’s lineage was a real after all!” Kawasaki said as he keeps digging up.

“This could be a mistake, Curio! I thought the ancient Dreamland civilization was created by the primitive Cappy tribe! Just what does this mean?” Escargoon said to Curio. “Uh… Apparently, Lord Escargoon, with these remains discovered; I seem to have been wrong…” Curio said sadly.

“If King Kroco is the real king of Dreamland, then… I’m totally heartbroken! Wuuahahahaaaaa! This is totally not fair!” King Dedede sits down and crying.

“I’m sorry, my friend Dedede, but that’s why the Krokodyle line has lasted for so long. Gwaahahahahaaa!” King Kroko said as he hugs his skeleton and laughed with it.

Kirby, Sirica, Tiff, Tuff, Keeby and Celine in other looks a little bit of sad because Curio’s hypothesis was wrong about the primitive Cappy Tribe until Chef Kawasaki finds it.

“I found it; the mask of a former king.” Kawasaki said as he lifts the mask that looks like Krokodyle. “Here too! A portrait was done in stone and it’s even signed!” Gengu said as he lifts the portrait that looks like a prehistoric crocodile but stands on two legs like a dinosaur.

“And I found the gold tooth!” Chief Borun said and he picking up the gold tooth from the ground as King Kroco dancing with Krokodyle skeleton.

“It’s amazing! It’s wonderful! It’s so moving… *crying*” General Krump shouts happily and crying of happiness as well, but Tiff looked down of sadness.

“Hahahaha!!! You can take the treasure you find a home with you! They’re presents from me, the king of Dreamland!” King Kroco said as he keeps dancing and the people of Dreamland take the artifacts and going home.

Disappointed, Curio walks away. Tiff saw him walking as Kirby walks into Dedede, who’s still sobbing about he’s not the real king of Dreamland.

“Look, Dedede… I’m, uhm… sorry about your family didn’t create this old civilization for a long time ago, but… at least you’re still here, aren't you?” Kirby said as he’s trying to cheers him up.

“*Sniffs* It’s no use to pity me, Kirby… I have to face it; the Krokodyle Tribe did create this old civilization in the first place… As the matter of fact, I was so excited about this stone coffin is created by the primitive Cappy tribe, Ebbrian tribe or my family since ancient times, but then… when I saw the skeleton of in this casket, my hopes were lost… and then…” King Dedede said as he looked at the coffin and then King Kroco, but Escargoon put his hand on his shoulder and tries to cheers him up.

“But, no matter if you’re not a king of this land or your castle, I still believe you as the king for me and your Waddle Dee troops.” Escargoon said as King Dedede still sniffed and pat Escargoon’s head gently.

“You’re right, Escargoon… It looks like we have to start all over again if the artifacts of the Krokodyles are true; we gotta move to untouched land… and trying to… turns to a new leaf… See ya…” King Dedede said as he stands up as his tears running through his cheeks and walks slowly into his tank car and Escargoon’s catching him up.

Kirby looked at King Dedede with his upset face and then turns into Sirica who shrugged, and sighed sadly…


At his museum, Curio polishes a pot, still filled with disappointment.

“Don’t lose heart like this, Curio… It’s disappointing that your theory turned out to be wrong, but…” Kirby said as he’s trying to cheers Curio up. “But hey, isn’t like you always say? You want even more people to know the wonder of archaeology!” Kirby added.

“He’s right. That discovery wasn’t a failure by any means!” Sirica said to Curio who puts his pot on the table then turns into Kirby and the others.

“Thank you, Kirby… And Sirica…” Curio said with grateful tone and walked into them. “You have a point, I wished for a great number of people to be interested in the study of Dreamland’s history… I’ll have to do my best from now on!” He added.

“That’s right!” Tuff cheers. “We knew we can count on you, Curio-san!” Celine said as Curio gives her an arrowhead he dug up. “I want you to have this. That’s enough for today, you should head home.” Curio said as Celine takes it and she looked confused.


In Ebrum Mansion, the Ebrum family eating dinner, except Tiff who looks disappointed and a little bit of sad about Curio gives an arrowhead to Celine.

“What’s the matter, Tiff?” Sir Ebrum asked to Tiff.

“She said something was strange about Curio-san’s ancient stone.” Lady Memu said to Sir Ebrum. “Even though evidence of a primitive Cappy tribe has been found for a while, today a lot of evidence of King Kroco’s ancestors was found.” Tuff explains to his parents.

“But that’s approved by Curio-san, right Tiff?” Sir Ebrum said to Tiff. “Yeah…” She said. “In that case, it’s not a problem.” Lady Memu said. “Yeah…” Tiff said as she hears some knockings on the door, so she’s heading to the door and opens it and there’s Kirby.

“Tiff, you and I’ll talk, right now!” Kirby said with concern voice as Keeby walks in and sits on Tiff’s chair. “Do you I mind if I join the dinner?” Keeby asked happily.

“Of course, Keeby! You’re welcome here.” Lady Memu reply delighted, as Tiff looked confused at Keeby, but then she’s serious so both Kirby and Tiff walked out.


“This night, Tiff, I’ll go back to the museum to talk to Curio, I saw he packs up a huge object on the carriage. So I need your help to takes some photos.” Kirby said to Tiff as before they’ve arrived at Curio’s museum and saw Curio hauling something covered in a sheet.

Kirby and Tiff follow him until he enters a cave located next to where the stone casket was found. He starts to dig a hole in the wall and unveils the item to be another Krokodyle artifact.

Astonished, Tiff takes pictures with her digital camera with no flashes of lightning and noise and keeps them as evidence for Curio's heinous act.

“Curio-san…” Tiff said sadly… “*I don’t believe it… He carries this item to be unveiled Krokodyle artifact in this Dig Site. It’s probably King Kroco who’s behind of all this!” Kirby said in his thought.


The next day, Cappy citizens come and see Curio's new discovery in the Dig Site.

“I was surprised. This is amazing!” Kawasaki said amazed, as Kirby and Tiff walk around the people to meet Sirica, Tuff and Keeby. “Kirby, he found a big statue of Krokodyle! Look!” Keeby said amazed and points on Curio’s new discovery and he looks tired but still nervous.

“This thing is shaped like one of King Kroco’s ancestors.” Chef Borun said as he pointed at the statue. “Right, let’s name this statue, the Krokodylus Stone!” Gangu exclaims the name as the citizens agree with him.

Kirby and Tiff looked at each other and nodded about it’s time to take Curio to the different area and shows him the pictures.

“Come here, Professor Curio.” Kirby said and took Curio’s hand to a different area, that there are no people around it. “What are you doing, Kirby? Don’t you see that statue looks cool?!” Keeby said to Kirby who looked serious.

“It’s not TOO cool to me, Keeby!” Kirby said angrily at Keeby who looked frightened. “Kirby, what’s the matter? Why are you taking me like that for…” Curio asked.

Kirby looking at Tiff. She understands his look and picks up the pictures from her bag and Curio looked shocked.

One of the photos fell off his hand, but Sirica catches it and looked at the photo. “What?! Isn't  that Curio and the statue too?!” Sirica asked shocked. “That is a blatant forgery! Curio-san buried it there last night!” Tiff explains as the others gasped, except Kirby who looked at Curio.

“Why did you this for King Kroco, Curio?” Kirby asked worried to Curio who shocked and disappointed in himself. “If you continue doing such a thing for the sake of discovering fakes, I’ll tell everyone in Dreamland the truth.” Kirby added and that makes Curio getting more worried and looked at Kirby and the others.

“We’ll give you these pictures. Please think about it. And remember this; the most important thing isn't to show that your theory is right, but to dig all the way to the truth. See you later…” Kirby said as he and the others are heading to the people, but was stopped by General Krump and Krusher.

“Well, well, the little dimwitted pink puffball seems to know a little too much. Right, Krusher?” General Krump said as Krusher agree. “Yup! We can’t let those imbeciles foiled our king’s plans, can we?” Krusher said as King Kroco appears behind Kirby and his friends.

“Your plans? No, no. I don’t know about your plans. You've got that all wrong.” Tiff said as she saw King Kroco who looks suspicious in his eyes and mouth.

“Don't bother denying it, kid. You and your friends came here to do your dirty work to discover our plans to conquer the Dreamland. I think you guys need to behave yourselves. Okay, Krusher, tied them up immediately!” King Kroco said to Krusher.

“Yes, your royal roughness!” Krusher said as he jumps on them as the cloud of dust covers the events as Krusher tied Kirby and the others up. As the cloud of dust disappeared, the thick lianas tied Kirby and his friends very tightly.

“Ugh! You should be ashamed of yourself, using Prof Curio to bury some of the blatant forgeries!” Sirica shouts angry at King Kroco. “If you know what’s good for you, keep your mouth shut unless you’ll become the main course of the piranhas!” Krusher shouts at Sirica, but that freaks Keeby out!

“Aaah! Did you say piranhas?! Oh, I hate piranhas!” Keeby screamed of horror. “Uhm, did you say piranhas, Krusher? Uh… He hates piranhas.” Kirby said to reminds Krusher.

“Okay, Prof. Curio. It’s time to present the rest of your theory as a final touch, and make a magnificent speech!” King Kroco said as Prof Curio clenched his photos on his hands and shaking nervously.


Little later, the citizens of Dreamland, Prof. Curio, Celine, Tiff and Tuff’s parents, including King Dedede and Escargoon are gathered. King Dedede still looks upset about this is his last day as being the king of Dream Village.

General Krump begins the presentation. “General Krump, here! Today we’ll have the grand presentation concerning the discovery about Dreamland’s history.” General Krump said as the people cheer as King Kroco looked happy today.

Except King Dedede who still looks upset. “I don’t like the sight of this, Escargoon. What if the Krokodyles are the first ones who create the Dreamland civilization first?” King Dedede asked worried to Escargoon. “We don’t know until Curio tells us about the history first.” Escargoon said as Curio looked worried.

“Give a hand for Professor Curio!” General Krump said as he presents Prof. Curio who walks into the stage and starting to give the people a speech and Dedede now looks worried and King Kroco gives him a devilish look at him.

“Ahem… As you all may now know, a lot of things have been found here where I’ve been excavating and researching for years.” Curio said as he heard the cheers of the people and remember what Kirby said before he and the others were tied up. “But hey, isn’t like you always say? You want even more people to know the wonder of archaeology!” Kirby’s said echoes in Curio’s head, but Curio continues his speech.

“All the things found to connect to the tribe of Krokodyles; the crowned skeleton, the portrait in stone, the golden tooth, including the mask of the former Krokodyle King. Those artifacts showing an ancient Krokodylus civilization in Dreamland are a valuable… a valuable…” Curio said as he stopped for a moment as he heard Kirby’s other words.

“We’ll give you these pictures. Please think about it. And remember this; the most important thing isn't to show that your theory is right, but to dig all the way to the truth.” Kirby’s said in Curio’s head again… Now he really can’t take it any longer and it’s time; Curio has to tell the truth to the people of Dreamland and Dedede.

“…a valuable FAKE discovery!!!” Curio said to states that shocks King Kroco. “WHAT?!” King Kroco yelped. “Are they FAKE?!” King Dedede, Escargoon, Lady Memu and Sir Ebrum gasped.

“Everything that has been found until today concerning the tribe of Krokodyles; they’re all fakes that I had buried in advance!” Curio yelled out the truth causes the citizens of Dreamland gasped about all of the treasure are fake.

“You moron! You’d better watch your tongue! Just stop!” Krusher said as he grabs his arms, but Curio pushes him away and keeps going telling the truth.

“What I really wanted was to keep researching. However, because no one was buying anything, I was rapidly getting poor… At that time, the malevolent ruler of the crocodiles, King Kroco, said I could take out emergency funds if I helped him fabricate artifacts, so I lent him a hand in spite of myself.” Curio said that shocks Dedede even more.

“You mean… all the time you’ve been through, he uses you to force me to leave me throne?!” King Dedede said as he stands up and Curio nodded at him.

“And I was wrong about him. Here IS the evidence!” Curio said as he throws the photos to prove that he was the one that placed the artifacts. Then people looked angry at King Kroco who looks furious after Curio tells the truth and King Dedede saw the photos as well.

“Those photographs are really faked!” King Kroco roars at the people, but King Dedede stands up against him. “And how do you supposed to know these pictures are fakes, Mister Fake Kroco!” King Dedede asked furiously at him.

“That’s right, KING Dedede! Ask him that!” Kirby said as the people, Sir Ebrum, Escargoon, King Dedede, Celine, Lady Memu, King Kroco, Krusher and General Krump turns into Kirby, Tiff, Tuff, Sirica, and Keeby who was freed from being tied up. It’s obliviously was Kirby who cut the lianas out from them. Kirby throws the lianas at the ground.

“Tiff, Tuff!” Lady Memu shouts worried. “Kirby, Sirica and Keeby are there too!” Sir Ebrum added! “Kirby, how did you escape?!” King Kroco shouts angrily to Kirby.

“It’s pretty simple!” Kirby said as the flashback begins as Kirby and the others heard about Curio’s telling the truth to the people.

“Kirby, Curio-san’s telling the truth, just in time! He did it!” Tuff said happily. “Yeah, but how do we get loose from these lianas? They’re tied tightly!” Tiff said as she groans to getting loose.

“This liana is no match for me!” Kirby said as he takes a deep sigh and using his Inhale Suction to inflate himself until the liana cracked off and the group is free and Kirby exhales.

“All right! We’re free! Nice job, Kirby!” Keeby said. “You’ll never cease to surprise me, Kirby.” Sirica said as Kirby smiles at her and then turns serious.

“Come on! We gotta stop King Kroco’s malevolent plans!” Kirby said as he takes the lianas and heading back the people and the flashback ends.

“What an immature thing you did, King Kroco, imprisoning the children who know the truth!” Sirica shouts angry at King Kroco who looks angry at Kirby.

“What?! Did you tie them up with lianas?!” Chief Borun asked angrily at King Kroco.

“And what worse you make your ruthless plans; Taking advantage of Curio’s weakness and force King Dedede to leave his throne! You don’t belong here in Dreamland! Go back where you came from!” Kirby exclaimed as the people agree with Kirby and shouts at King Kroco.

“Kirby… You dare to oppose me?!” King Kroco yells angrily at Kirby, but King Dedede is now angry too. “Even I don’t like to help Kirby, but he’s right! You’re nothing but a trickster! *picks up his hammer!* I WON’T FORGIVE YOU!!!” King Dedede yells as he swings his hammer to smash King Kroco who dodges his hammer!

“KRUMP!!! DO SOMETHING!!!” King Kroco shouts panicked to General Krump. “You got it, Sir! We’ll crush that pesky pinkball who wants to foil your brilliant plans! WAKE UP, RED EYES KROKODYLE!!!” General Krump nodded and shouts at the statue that started to grow to giant proportions causing the whole cave to collapse as the people went running for their lives and Kirby and his group is hiding behind the rock builders.

The giant tail came out of the cloud of dust and after it’s disappeared, the giant crocodile/dinosaur hybrid with red eyes roars at the villagers.

“Is that a Demon Beast, Kirby?” Keeby asked worried to Kirby. “I’m not sure, Keeby! It looks like kind of hybrid monster to me.” Kirby said. “Could it be a mutation?” Tiff asked worried as Tuff pointed at something. “Kirby, look!” Tuff shouts as Kirby yelped of surprised.

King Kroco, General Krump and Crusher rode on the head of the nine-story tall beast.

“Alright, Red Eyes Krokodyle, crush those insolent villagers for those oppose against me, King Kroco!” He said as Red eyes roars and started to chase the villagers!

“Where’s Curio-san?” Tuff asked as Sirica saw him behind the rocks. “He’s right there!” Sirica said as she points at him. “No, don’t tell me that he couldn’t-“ Tiff said worried as she saw Curio is behind the pillars and is trying to hurt Red Eyes Krokodyle’s feet with his pickaxe, but the tail swipes him flying to the rock pillar.

“Curio, look out!” Kirby shouts worried as he’s running to Curio. “Kirby, no!!” Keeby shouts to Kirby, as the giant foot of the giant hybrid slams at the ground that causes the shockwaves, and Kirby trips and fell on the ground, and he saw the mouth of the Red Eyes Krokodyle.

“Kirby!” Tuff shouts horrified, and Sirica’s running to the statue. “I’m coming, Kirby!” Sirica shouts as the giant hybrid’s mouth is about to open.

“We’re starting with you, Kirby! I won’t let you ruin my perfect plan!” King Kroco shouts as Red Eyes Krokodyle grabs Kirby with his jaws, as Kirby struggles to hold up, in case he won’t be swallowed by the giant mutation.

“GAH! His jaw muscles are pretty strong, I can’t hold on so much longer!” Kirby shouts as Keeby drop his jaw and screams horrified until Sirica jumps to the midair and shots bazooka from her weapon at Red Eyes Krokodyle’s head and he drops Kirby down.

“You should better not devour Kirby, you big scale brain!” Sirica exclaims to Red Eye Krokodyle, who roars at her and starts to swing his claws to slash her into pieces, but Sirica deflected with her sword from her weapon.

But Red Eyes Krokodyle’s claws are stronger than her sword, so he got his advantage to take her down and with his last strike, it’s pushing Sirica to the rock wall.

“Sirica!” Kirby shouted worried as Curio manages to muster enough courage to pick with his pickaxe and he’s rushing into Red Eye Krokodyle. “This is my responsibility!” he shouts and hits the foot, but not an even a scratch on it; the hybrid’s skin is made of the rock and it’s nearly impossible to cut on it. “*It can’t be!*! Curio said in his thoughts of fear.

Suddenly the voice came among the rock pillars “I WON’T LET YOU DOMINATE MY CASTLE!!!” That’s Dedede who exclaims and takes a BIG leap towards to Red Eye Krokodyle and hits his head with Dedede’s hammer and the giant hybrid is falling on the pile of rock pillars and hits the ground. Kirby and the others gasped as the drop their jaws of shocked.

“Why, you… How dare you hit my poor baby, you jerk?” King Kroco shouts angry at King Dedede who landed front at the hybrid. “That’s what happens if you’re trying to rule Dreamland!” Dedede said as Kirby saw the rock builders and that gives him an idea.

“Alright, it’s time to get some action with my Copy Ability!” Kirby said as he started to use his Inhale section and swallows the rock builders and started to transforms into Rock Kirby!

“What? He transformed?” King Kroco gasped as King Dedede saw Kirby transforms into Rock Kirby. “Good! It’s up to you, Kirby! Defeat him, so I can RE-reclaim my kingdom again!” Dedede shouts to Rock Kirby.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m on it, Dedede. *turns into Red Eyes Krokodyle who stands up* As for you, face me!” Rock Kirby said to Dedede and then shouts to Red Eyes Krokodyle.

“That’s Stone Kirby, right, Sirica?” Curio asked. “Yep! He uses that form to defeat Bugzzy and throws it away to the ocean, remember?” Sirica explains and Curio gasped. “Oh! Oh, yes, I remember.” Curio said as Stone Kirby rushes into Red Eyes Krokodyle.

Stone Kirby building up his left arm and formed as a stone and punches Red Eyes Krokodyle and causing it to fall over, as the group’s heading to the edge and cheers to Kirby.

“That does it, Kirby! PREPARE TO BE SQUASHED!!!” King Kroco, who still rides on the hybrid’s back, roared angrily as Red Eyes Krokodyle stands up and squashes Stone Kirby with his foot! “Guah! He’s… too… HEAVY!!!” Stone Kirby shouts of agony.

“No, Kirby!!!” Tiff screamed worried as King Dedede and Escargoon meet up with the others. “We gotta help Kirby, somehow! Isn’t that right, Sir?” Escargoon said worriedly. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do! What if General Krump and Krusher are gonna clobber us?” Dedede said worriedly to Escargoon and the others.

“Well, there’s one thing that IT can do! Come, Warp Star! Lend your power!” Sirica said to herself and prayed to Kabu. “Warp Star!” Kabu shouts as he opens his mouth and the full-sizes Warp Star emerges. It flies off into the horizon.

On the dug site, the citizens of Dreamland are keeping running away from Red Eyes Krokodyle, who’s holding Stone Kirby on his claws.

Keeby saw the Warp Star. “There’s the Warp Star!” he shouted as the others saw the Warp Star which almost hit King Dedede! “Hey! Watch where you’re flying at, you damn star!” he shouts as the Warp Star hits Red Eyes Krokodyle’s head as Stone Kirby take his change to jumps from its claws and landed on the Warp Star.

“Nice timing, Warp Star!” Stone Kirby said to Warp Star and he’s flying around the hybrid that misses Kirby with his claws and his jaws.

“Be still, so I can crush you!” King Kroco shouts at Stone Kirby. “Wow, sir! That guy’s pretty interesting for a little guy who can transform into this!” General Krump said but that makes Kroco angry. “WHO’S SIDE ARE YOU ON, ANYWAY?!?!” King Kroco yells at Krump.

Stone Kirby flies into the sky and jumps off the Warp Star and started to transforms into his alternate stone form. “Transforms! Giant Kirby Stone!” Stone Kirby shouts as his transformation is complete. The Warp Star is not strong enough to handle his weight and drops Kirby on the Red Eyes Krokodyle, causing him to go right through and creating a huge gap.

“NOOO!” King Kroco shouts of agony and Red Eyes Krokodyle collapses on itself and turns into a pile of rock builders.

Unfortunately for them, King Kroco, General Krump and Krusher falls off, screaming and become trapped under the huge pile of rocks, and Kirby lands on the top of the pile.

“Well, it looks like the great king of Krokodyle tribe has “fallen” this time! Hahahahahahahaa!!!” Kirby said with his jokes and laughs and jumps to the edge to meet up with the others.

“You did it, Kirby!” Tiff cheers to Kirby. “You saved the day once again!” Keeby said happily to Kirby. “Yep! This whole fight is pretty tough one, but we beat that thing in the end.” Kirby said to Keeby as he saw the pile of rocks. “As for those reptiles, they’re buried under the mountain.” Kirby said as he saw King Kroco, Krump and Krusher are trying to get out of the pile of rocks.

Suddenly, Celine arrives at the others. “Hey, guys! I’m sorry that I missed the whole fight! But that I take Kirby beat them, right?” Celine said as the others nodded and she sighed…

“Well, Curio-san, why don’t you excavate them?” Celine asked. “No, I’m… already tired of excavating fakes. From now on, I’ll search only for things that tell us the real history.” Curio said with his decision as Tiff nodded.

“If it’s real history, I’ll help you too. Right, Keeby?” Tuff said. “Yeah!” Keeby said as Kirby, Celine, Sirica and Tiff stares them with their suspicious look.

“No, that is… every once in a while…” Tuff and Keeby said in same time, as Kirby saw Dedede and Escargoon. “King Dedede… Thanks for help Sirica from the jaws of that mutant.” Kirby said gratefully to King Dedede who crosses his arms.

“Tch! Hey, don’t misunderstand me; I didn’t come to help you or your allies and beat that crap outta these mutants. I just came to reclaim my kingdom back, and I did. And it looks like we don’t need to help those reptiles. They deserve their punishment to be buried under few months.” King Dedede scuffed as he turns into the pile of rocks.

“Yeah, he deserves it. Let’s go home.” Escargoon said as he and King Dedede are heading to the castle.

“But I’m glad sometimes he’s on our side.” Sirica said to Kirby who looks confused. “You see, he can’t be a bad guy all the time. So maybe he could be a great ally for our adventures.” She added.

“Yeah, you’re right. I really hope next time when we have some troubles with these mutants those are created by King Kroco, and then he will help us.” Kirby said as he and Sirica walk together back to their house. “It looks like Kirby have another rival - King Kroco and his army of Krokodyles.” Keeby said worried, as Celine pat his head.

“Don’t worry, Keeby. I’m pretty sure he can handle those bunches of jerks. And I’m looking forward to see you fighting the bad guys and you’re awesome!” Celine said as Keeby heard about he’s awesome and started dancing weirdly.

“Hehe, praising me as awesome puffball doesn’t make me happy at all, you jerk~! Keeby said as Meta Knight on the higher hill watching the whole fight.

“Kirby, you grew stronger each time you fight. You’re a natural warrior. And so as you, Sirica.” Meta Knight said as he turns away after he speaks.

Under the pile of rocks, King Kroco, Krusher and General Krump are still stuck under them. “Damn it. At this rate, I’m really going to become a skeleton. Krump! Get rid of those rocks immediately.” King Kroco cursed and shouts to Krump who can’t move.

“I’m sorry, sir. But I’m getting tired after I rode on that giant dinosaur/crocodile’s tail, and I can’t keep holding on forever.” General Krump as he yawned. “Don’t fall asleep on my mission, you useless cretin!” King Kroco yells at him.

“Sorry, sir… But I’m so exhausted… and tired as well… Goodnight… *Snores*… ZZZZ…” General Krump said as he starting to sounds asleep and snoring. “Uuuuhmm… I think he’s asleep, sir…” Krusher said nervously to King Kroco who looks pissed.

“KRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMPPPP!!!” King Kroco shouts angry and loudly at General Krump, and Kirby and Sirica hear King Kroco’s yelling.

Then they looked at each other and shrugging, as their adventure continues…

Here's the tenth episode of Kirby Star Warrior of Dreamland.

This episode reveals Kirby's new enemy who leads the tribe of the Krokodyles, King Kroco.

King Kroco is based of King K. Rool from Donkey Kong Country video games, but mostly from Donkey Kong Country - The Animated Series, as General Krump and Krusher are based of General Klump and Krusha from DK video games too. :)

King Kroco's goal is to conquer Dreamland and he's attempting to force King Dedede to leave his throne.

Also, this episode is based on the eight episode of Kirby Right Back at Ya - Curio's Curious Discovery.

Hope you like it!
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